New York Timesbestsellingauthor and host of the Joel Osteen Radio on SiriusXMwants you to knowthatnow is the time to get your hopes up and start expecting that better is on the way.
Whether youreclimbingtoward the next level,stretchingfor an out-of-reach goal, ordoing your utmostto overcome a challenge, its time to step into a better life filled with more. When your patience strains to meet your expectations, you have torememberthatwhere you are now is not where youre about to be!
InYour Greater Is Coming,#1New York Timesbestselling author Joel Osteenchallenges your perception of your present situation and inspires you to persevere for the best thats just ahead. Whatever youre experiencing, dont lose faith or give up on your dreams.Wait for your greater, because your greateriscominggreater joy, greater strength, greater relationships. Greater opportunities, greater success,and greater peace are all yours. Whatever youve been waiting for,working for,praying for, and hoping foris on the way.
Your Greater Is Comingwill nourish your soul and empower your heart to push through pain and master the mundane. Your story is far from over,and the best is yet to come. Dont give up just as youre about to discover a new level of increase, ease,and joy. Glimpse your breakthrough just ahead andhold on just a little longeryour greater is coming!
New York Timesbestsellingauthor and host of the Joel Osteen Radio on SiriusXMwants you to knowthatnow is the time to get your hopes up and start expecting that better is on the way.
Whether youreclimbingtoward the next level,stretchingfor an out-of-reach goal, ordoing your utmostto overcome a challenge, its time to step into a better life filled with more. When your patience strains to meet your expectations, you have torememberthatwhere you are now is not where youre about to be!
InYour Greater Is Coming,#1New York Timesbestselling author Joel Osteenchallenges your perception of your present situation and inspires you to persevere for the best thats just ahead. Whatever youre experiencing, dont lose faith or give up on your dreams.Wait for your greater, because your greateriscominggreater joy, greater strength, greater relationships. Greater opportunities, greater success,and greater peace are all yours. Whatever youve been waiting for,working for,praying for, and hoping foris on the way.
Your Greater Is Comingwill nourish your soul and empower your heart to push through pain and master the mundane. Your story is far from over,and the best is yet to come. Dont give up just as youre about to discover a new level of increase, ease,and joy. Glimpse your breakthrough just ahead andhold on just a little longeryour greater is coming!
New York Timesbestsellingauthor and host of the Joel Osteen Radio on SiriusXMwants you to knowthatnow is the time to get your hopes up and start expecting that better is on the way.
Whether youreclimbingtoward the next level,stretchingfor an out-of-reach goal, ordoing your utmostto overcome a challenge, its time to step into a better life filled with more. When your patience strains to meet your expectations, you have torememberthatwhere you are now is not where youre about to be!
InYour Greater Is Coming,#1New York Timesbestselling author Joel Osteenchallenges your perception of your present situation and inspires you to persevere for the best thats just ahead. Whatever youre experiencing, dont lose faith or give up on your dreams.Wait for your greater, because your greateriscominggreater joy, greater strength, greater relationships. Greater opportunities, greater success,and greater peace are all yours. Whatever youve been waiting for,working for,praying for, and hoping foris on the way.
Your Greater Is Comingwill nourish your soul and empower your heart to push through pain and master the mundane. Your story is far from over,and the best is yet to come. Dont give up just as youre about to discover a new level of increase, ease,and joy. Glimpse your breakthrough just ahead andhold on just a little longeryour greater is coming!